
Uni is a time where you really ‘grow up’. At CU we are very keen to grow up as Christians.

One of the images that the Bible uses to talk about Christians’ connection to Jesus is the body. In Ephesians Paul encourages the body (ie. Christians) to grow together into maturity, into the full stature of Christ. (Eph 4:11-16, especially verse 13)

At Christian Union not only are we keen to help people hear the good news about Jesus so they might Connect to him, but we are also keen to help people hear the good news of Jesus that they might, with us, grow in him.
That is, that we might grow in our knowledge and love of God; understanding more and more what he has done through Jesus, and how that affects who we are and what we do and why we live.

We try to help ourselves and others grow in lots of ways, but really they just boil down to variations on a theme:

  • We read the Bible,
  • we talk and think about what it says,
  • we wrestle with the implication.

The Bible is the ‘spiritual gym’ where we do our body-building exercises so that we grow more and more in the likeness of the one we are connected to. We expect that this is a process, and that it takes some effort – but it’s effort well worth it: As we ‘grow-up’ into maturity and understand more of who Jesus is and why he matters both to us and the world.

Deakin CU’s mission on campus is to help people Grow in Jesus.

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