3 good reasons to join Deakin CU – and 1 even better one… (#1)

“Life is short. Time is precious. I’ve got options. Give me one good reason why I should get involved with Deakin CU on campus?”

We can do better than that. We can give you three. And one even better one.

Good Reason #1: Christian Friends

People often make some of their best friends for life during their uni years.

And a Christian group like Deakin CU is a great place to meet them.

Friends who care about what you care about. Who are on about what you’re on about. And who want to live for Jesus like you.

You might even meet a ‘special friend’ at Deakin CU… plenty of people do… 🙂

Deakin CU is a great place to make great friends.

Good Reason #2: Christian Survival

In case you haven’t noticed, Uni-life can be a massive culture shock – especially if you’re coming straight from high school.

For starters they sell beer on campus! (did you get that at high school?)

The local pubs and night clubs advertise on campus! (did you get that at high school?)

Christianity is challenged and sometimes even ridiculed in class. (did you get that at high school?)

There are plenty of temptations to give up on Jesus – both in class and out.

And we see it every year. New students who turn up on campus claiming to follow Jesus and wanting to live for him – yet who slowly, but surely, give up and give in. Either to fit in… or to make life easier… or just to trade Jesus for one of the many alternatives on offer.

And getting involved with a Christian group on campus can help prevent that. It can give you a community of support and encouragement – not so you can hide from Uni-life, but so you can survive it – and better yet thrive in it.

Good Reason #3: Christian Growth

One of the things most Uni Christian groups do very well (certainly the Christian Union groups) is train you to be the best Christian you can be under God.

Lots of Christians look back on their time with CUs across the country as a time of spiritual ‘growth spurt’. They look back at their time with other passionate Christians the same age as them, learning and loving and and serving together, and they realise that, under God, that was one of the best spiritual workouts they ever had. A time when God put Christian muscle on their Christian bones.

Christian friends, Christian survival, Christian growth – 3 good reasons to get involved with Deakin CU.

But there is of course an even better one…

3 good reasons to join Deakin CU – and 1 even better one… (#1)